The gameplan is changing. I should've known there'd be a curveball thrown in sometime.
I went in this afternoon for my sono hystogram, so Dr Pinto could get a better look at the mysterious whiteness in my uterus, and instead of figuring that out, he found a polyp instead! Of course he wants to remove it, because it could be impeding implantation of my eggs.
It'll be an outpatient surgical procedure, and apparently I will be under general anesthesia (took me a few minutes to get that, he was making it sound so minor!). The procedure itself will only be about 15-20 mins, but preparation will be like an hour and a half! He likes to do them on Fridays, to give patients the weekend to recover, so his nurse will call tomorrow to see when they can schedule me in. It'll either be next Friday, or sometime in June, because he has something else already the next 2 Fridays.
Oh, and more on the whiteness, apparently I'm a medical mystery. He can't tell what they are yet, even with today's procedure. He said they could be very small lesions or growths that are just concentrated right there (the polyp is just below it), but that it's too high up to be the scar tissue from my c-section. So, when he removes the polyp, he'll actually have some type of uterine telescope thingy in there that he can get a better look at it. Another Ugh! Hopefully it's nothing or something he can easily take care of while he's in there or nothing of concern (unless it's impeding implanation as well).
On the plus side, today's procedure was fine. I took 2 ibuprofen on the way there (about 30 mins before), there was some pressure during the procedure, but not too bad. He said I could have some minor cramping tonight, but I'm just barely feeling any right now, going to take another ibuprofen before bed though. On the down side, the saline they inject in to inflate the uterus has to go *somewhere*, so I'm going to have wet discharge for a few days. But, he gave the okay to have sex, so Yay! LOL!
Because of the polyp and needing to remove it, he didn't even look at my ovaries or discuss the HCG shot (I forgot to ask). So, I'm still temping and maybe I can tell on my own when I ovulate and we'll go ahead and take advantage of that and deal with it depending on when they schedule the surgery. Oh well.
Oh! He went over my test results again, and said everything on my end looks great! My FSH levels were 6.5 on day 10 (6.4 on day 3 - needs to be under 8), I have low cholesterol apparently (he made it sound like that was an issue? I thought that was good!) I'm a little bit anemic, so I need to take an iron supplement, but otherwise everything looks good (except for the polyp). Kevin got orders from him to get a sperm analysis, so he'll probably try to do that next week. Dr Pinto said based on what he sees so far, he isn't going to suggest we go high tech with this process, just work with the fertility drugs and maybe try insemination, but he sees no reason why those shouldn't work at this point!
I'm supposed to hear from Chandra tomorrow afternoon for scheduling the surgery, so until that happens, I guess that's it.
Oh, I almost forgot! We showed Dr Pinto and Chandra my now bruising arm, where Amy drew my blood. Even he went "Whoa!" and they talked about taking picture to show her and give her a hard time, but then never did. Let's hope it doesn't happen again!