Monday, May 5, 2008

Clomid Challenge Test Results

Today is Cycle Day 10! I had my appointment today at Dr Pinto's main office, which is much different than the Grapevine office....much more room, much more stylized decor. And a HUGE sonogram/exam room with a flat screen monitor on the wall! I guess the Infertility business pays well (insert 'duh' here).

First things first, CD3 bloodwork results. My FSH level is 6.4 - he wanted it under 8, so this is great! My estrogen level was at 25, which Amy, the nurse, said was good. Then she set me up for the sonogram and Dr Pinto came in to observe. I had 2 really good follicles, both around 14 mm, which is great - one in each ovary. She said they would probably give me an HCG shot later in the week if they continue to grow well. That way both ovaries will release and give us a better chance!

They did notice a small white-ish area in my uterus, which she said could be lesions of some sort or scar tissue from surgery (my C-Section). So, on Thursday, they want me to come in for a sono-histogram to check that out. If it is an area where the eggs are trying to implant, then it is probably preventing implantation. They'll also check my follicles again at that appointment, which will be CD 13.

Then, she took some more blood to check my FSH level again, to compare to CD 3. I should have those results on Thursday. She had some trouble getting in the vein, I think she did it too shallow, it kept stopping! But at least she didn't have to stick me again, and it was only one vial.

I've forgotten about the constant barrage of going to appointment after appointment and how hard it is to balance with work. I'm just glad to have a boss that is understanding and willing to work with me through this. Hopefully I don't have to put her through it for months upon months!

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