Monday, April 28, 2008


So, today is Cycle Day 3, and I head to the local Quest lab on the way to work to get my blood drawn for the tests Dr Pinto wants done (FH and Estrogen levels, amongst others). It's supposed to be a fasting draw, and luckily the lab opens at 7 am, so I shouldn't be any later to work than normal.

So I check in, she calls me back and as I'm sitting in the chair, she starts pulling out vials..........NINE OF THEM!!!!!!! I had glanced at the sheet from Dr Pinto and noticed several check marks, but didn't even register what that meant until that moment!

I just kinda drew my breath in and said "whoa....that's a lot!" The nurse's response "Yeah, but they don't all have to be full", sure! Could've fooled me as she was filling them! Thank goodness for the stint they put in so they don't actually have to stick you that many times!

Last time I donated blood, a few years ago, I almost fainted. With no breakfast in me today, I began to get a little worried that I was driving alone! I headed straight to Sonic and got a smoothie and a breakfast burrito when I was done! LOL!

Calling shortly to make an appointment for Cycle Day 10 per Dr Pinto's orders. I start the Clomid Challange Test (said with booming TV announcer voice) on Wednesday. Wonder how wacky the hormones will make me....I don't remember!

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