Friday, April 4, 2008

New Beginnings

I originally created this blog about a year ago with the intentions of blogging our family's journey towards adopting a child from China. A few days later, we found out that dream would not be happening, for many reasons. I'll explain that more in a future post, but for now, I'm going to begin with the new direction our lives are taking us.

A little background, before we had Lily, Kevin and I experienced infertility issues.  We took the drugs, did the injections and even tried one round of IUI (intrauterine insemination) with no success.  After being referred to an RE in 2001, we did one visit, had one additional test (a hysterosalpingogram - HSG dye test to determine if there are any blockages in the uterus or tubes), and took a break.  Shortly after, we moved back to OK for a year, then moved to AZ in 2002, a few months after Kevin had gastric bypass surgery.  All this time, we were not using any birth control, my cycles continued to be out of control (frequently 60-90 days long) and we weren't even thinking about trying to get pregnant.  Then, at some time in late March or early April 2003, the miracle happened and we conceived Lily.  Why God chose this time to bless us, we will never know, but our lives have never been the same since!

Since having Lily, my cycles have been fairly normal (28-30 days).  Other than the mini-pill taken while I was nursing, we have not used any contraception, other than natural planning (avoiding certain times of the month when we expected to be ovulating) and even then, not really 'planning' to avoid pregnancy, just not really trying.  Over the past year, though, we've gone more from avoiding that time to focusing on that time.  We told ourselves we weren't really trying, but that if it happened, great.  I think this was our way of protecting ourselves in case it didn't happen on it's own again.

Now, enough time has gone by that we're ready to admit that we want another child.  Lily is 4 1/2, and she's beginning to ask about having a baby brother or sister (well, usually a sister).   It was time to admit that we were finally 'trying' all along. I'd been procrastinating and hadn't had my 'yearly' checkup in well over 2 years; also, after 4 years of normal periods, my body finally decided to go out of whack and screw with me, giving me a 35 day cycle in Jan, then Feb/Mar was about 56 days!  So, I finally went for my 'yearly' checkup yesterday.

After reviewing my history and the fact that I am now 36 and have tried fertility treatments in the past with no success, my new OB/GYN Dr. Lopez didn't want to waste any time.  She immediately referred me to a reproductive specialist to get us started on this roller coaster again.  She also indicated that my left ovary felt slightly enlarged and she wanted to do a sonogram to determine if there were any issues that could be causing my irregular cycles (cysts, fibrous tissues, etc...).  I go next Thurs for that. 

So, it looks like I will now be using this blog to post about our experiences with infertility, visits with the specialist, our thoughts and emotions as we go through this process, again.  The first time was extremely difficult; I think partly because we felt so much more pressure then to try and make it happen, both for ourselves and for each other and our families.  And we didn't communicate with each other very well about it all.  But this time around, we're older and more mature (hopefully), we have a stronger relationship, and we know what we're heading into.  And, most importantly, we already have Lily, and it's hard to expect another miracle to happen when we were blessed with such perfection the first time around.

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