I received a call a little while ago from Judy, Dr Lopez's nurse with the results of the sonogram. She says I have a polyp on my left ovary. They recommend getting it removed, but it's not a major, must-deal-with-immediately concern. They know I have an appointment with Dr Pinto, the specialist, on the 24th, and she said I can either have it done in their office or wait to see if Dr Pinto wants to do it.
My first thought was to wait and discuss with Dr Pinto, but after discussing with Kevin, he wanted to have it taken care of as soon as possible. I called Judy back to discuss with her, and she spoke with Dr Lopez. They then confirmed that it's not as high risk as the impression Kevin has, and there is no problem waiting to discuss with Dr Pinto, so that's what we're going to do. Her reasoning, is that he may want to include it in his course of action for our infertility, as the removal process would probably involve a hysteroscopy, which also allows a fairly open view of the uterus, which would for an optimal time to make any other observations regarding the condition of my body and fertility issues. So, we're waiting......
The strange thing is that I feel things on my left side in the area of the ovary, as if I can 'feel' something in the way. Small twinges, occasional bits of discomfort. Amazing how the mind works at the smallest suggestion!
Oh, and internet searches of medical issues is not a smart thing to do. While I cannot find a single website the puts the words "ovary" and "polyp" side-by-side (most mention 'ovarian cysts' or 'uterine polyp'), the majority of items that are coming up are referring or ovarian cancer!!! I know if it was a major concern, she'd have me in right away, but it's still a little scary seeing all that! But what's the deal with the 'polyp' when there's no reference to anything like that on the internet!?!?!?
I've Moved!! - Now posting at Saving Up for Disney!
10 years ago
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